Analysing global revenue opportunities for cyber security companies.


Examples of our revenue generating work engagements.



SynergySix Degrees was tasked to undertake a Market Impact Analysis by the senior management of a data security software vendor headquartered in Silicon Valley.

Challenge - Throughout the vendor's 10 years of operations, they had relied upon the experience and skills of internal leaders to adjust their Go-To-Market operations. However, various external factors were challenging the company's  revenue generation model.

Discovery - Engaging  with all departments and roles, Synergy Six Degrees found evidence to support an urgent need to change the company's 2024 business model. While the technology was excellent (with real value viability to the data security sector) there was a lack of a solid, effective business model.

If changes were not implemented swiftly, Synergy Six Degrees predicted that the following outcomes were imminently likely:

  • Risk of losing traction in the market.
  • Risk of missing next round of funding.
  • Total commercial failure.

Outcome - After careful observation of the business' current operations, Synergy Six Degrees advised immediate repositioning of its efforts to extract maximum value in the company's chosen markets.

The company's technical excellence had already been established, requiring a concerted effort to move the focus externally in personnel and activities to support focused revenue drives was key to survival.

Synergy Six Degrees Market Impact Analysis report for cyber security vendor

If you are looking for up-to-date market or business impact analysis to strengthen your effectiveness for your target markets, get in touch.

If you are looking for up-to-date research of your target market or challenge industry practices, get in touch.

This report is available exclusively from Synergy Six Degrees

You can download and read the report here.


Data Protection and Recovery 3-2-1 Analysis – for Cybrilliance, Inc
Is 3-2-1 still fit for purpose in today’s "always available" world?

Synergy Six Degrees was tasked with researching the appropriateness of the traditional 3-2-1 backup policy and subsequent data recovery methods. The study was commissioned by Cybrilliance Inc, a global master distributor of cyber resilience solutions headquartered in Canada.

Challenge - The themes for analysis questioned: the need for triple replication of 'just in case' data retention; the associated costs of backup storage (when budgets are increasingly scrutinised); the time / price per TB required for 100% recovery of a company's data.

Discovery - Synergy Six Degrees simulated the costs associated with processing the 3-2-1 backup and recovery method in terms of accumulative storage, time and dollars. A 5TB starting sample was computed to show the amount of storage amassed over 1 year to support business continuity in the event of a data incident (ransomware, virus attack, phishing, human error). This sample can be multiplied by any company wishing to understand the enormity of full data backup and recovery using the traditional 3-2-1 method.

Outcome - The conclusion found that the 3-2-1 policy for backup and recovery is no longer fit for today's Always Available business needs. The analysis highlighted surprisingly high disregard for the amount of data stored and unrealised costs, a lack of 100% guaranteed data recovery, and an unacceptable recovery time frame for business continuity (weeks for the full stash of data).

The report goes on to identify alternative data recovery and backup options that are more suited to complete data recovery, and that slash process costs (including the storage space required) by thousands of dollars, in a fraction of the time.

UKI Commercial Market Attack – for VECTRA AI 
Synergy Six Degrees was engaged by VECTRA AI to supply multi-engagement research and planning for the company's UK and Ireland commercial teams and its corporate competitive intelligence team.

Challenge - To pave the way - with strong GTM strategies and effective routes - to help establish VECTRA AI as a leader in the NDR market.

Discovery - Synergy Six Degrees quantitively analysed each region for UK and Ireland to uncover opportunities for qualitative market diversification.

Outcome - Synergy Six Degrees delivered complete market analysis and engagement strategies, including:

  • GTM and operational engagement plans for internally driven sales and marketing, as well as external collaborations.
  • Routes to market via refreshed campaign and webinar content. This achieved a 300% increase in signup compared to prior in-house campaigns.
  • RTM enablement that delivered 10 new indirect partners in 12 months.
  • New KPIs to drive Vectra AI to a leadership position in the NDR market.
  • Competitive intelligence in quarterly updates covering business and technology metrics. This work also identified four key global competitors previously not considered.

If you are looking for specialist cyber knowledge to help penetrate your chosen markets, get in touch. 

Corero Network Security asked Synergy Six Degrees to inform its target market of the likely cause and effect of DDoS attacks, and how to assess different DDoS offerings.

Challenge - To assist Corero Network Security in attracting revenue through their customers and partners.

Discovery - Synergy Six Degrees conducted extensive analysis of DDoS attack vectors and likely impacts. We also looked at the real cost to organisations for every minute that they are compromised due to loss of their network and inability to communicate during an attack. 

Outcome - Following this research, Synergy Six Degrees developed a Technical Excellence Assessment document to help organisations make the best DDoS security vendor selection for their needs. This document is being used by Corero Network Security to approach new opportunities. 

You can read the Technical Excellence Assessment document by clicking on the link below to help select the best DDoS security vendor for your business.

If you are looking for up-to-date research, areas of differentiation and methods of prospect engagement, get in touch.

This report is available exclusively from Synergy Six Degrees

You can download and read the report here.



Synergy Six Degrees spoke to enterprise based CISOs around the world to discover how they felt about their roles. 

Challenge - Most surveys, as such, are multiple choice answers and tick boxes to pre-set questions. Nobody really has the opportunity to ad lib - or perhaps it's risky to honestly divulge - about current hurdles in the role of CISO. F-Secure knew that Synergy Six Degrees' method of dialogue could break the mould.

Discovery - Synergy Six Degrees encouraged open one-to-one conversations on Zoom and by telephone between real people. Initial topics explored included:  challenges being a CISO, how other teams view IT security, is cyber security a business enabler or risk mitigation practice, and then moved on to wider topics as raised by the participants.

Outcome - The response and dialogue was overwhelming, producing a 100 page in-depth study of the year that changed everything, by the CISOs that were there. This special report uncovered that CISOs around the world, in charge of enterprise security, are:

  1. Not given the level of importance as a critical business function.
  2. Focused on data, rather than infrasttructure, as a point of concentration.
  3. Suffering a cultural gap between the business of security and the business of the business, making conversations difficult.  
  4. Battling with cyber security groups operating in a redefined arms race, or what one respondent called the “fifth wave of warfare.” 
  5. Saying that their belief of good security has changed, either in part or substantially. This was true for 71% of respondents.

If you are a vendor looking for up-to-date insider information for your target CISO market, get in touch.

This report is available exclusively from Synergy Six Degrees

You can download and read the report here.
CISO Report from F-Secure and SynergySix

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